
Here are some websites, books, and other resources I’ve found to be particularly useful…. (and don’t forget to check out my blogroll in the sidebar for my favorite blog reads):


Kids With Food Allergies: This is an amazing resource for families dealing with food allergies.  There is lots of free information available on the site, but the true gem is in the Parents of Food Allergic Kids (POFAK) Support Forums.  There is a $25 annual fee to join the support forums, but it is well worth the money.  The parents who post here are compassionate, quick to answer any questions, and a wealth of information.  There is also an extensive allergy friendy recipe database.  I spent hours on this site after The Littlest Apple was first diagnosed with food allergies, and I continue to read posts on a regular basis.

Ener-G Egg Replacer: My go-to egg replacer product.


Basic Information on Gastroparesis

Gastroparesis Awareness Fund

Living With Gastroparesis: An excellent blog with lots of great information, from Nicole, who was diagnosed with gastroparesis in 2004.


The Itty Bitty Bookworm: An affordable, book-based curriculum that is available for download or in CD form.  Bailey’s curriculum is for 18-36 months, and Bo’s Curriculum is for 3-5 year olds.  We’re currently working on Bailey’s Year 2.  I have nothing but positive things to say about this curriculum!  The books (which you purchase separately) are fantastic, and all of the activities are amazing!

Funshine Express Fireflies Curriculum: This curriculum is a little pricier, but all (or at least most) of the craft supplies are included and mailed to you monthly.  Each month consists of 2-3 themes, with a full day of activities for each day of the month.  Because this is intended for use in preschools/daycares, it is very professionally done, and many monthly extras (like calendar, shape/color/letter/number of the month displays are included).  It is intended for ages 2-5, and there are many notes on how to adapt each activity for the younger crowd.  I think my guy will get more out of this at 3 or 4, so I’m selectively choosing activities from this for now, and saving the rest to use next year.

Here are a few recent relevant posts...

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