(you know his real name, but this is his blog “handle” from now on! )
I can’t believe you are 2 weeks old already! Â We’re still adjusting to having you at home with us and to being a family of four. Â At 2 weeks old:
- You weigh 6 pounds 1 ounce (3%). Â You still haven’t reached your birth weight of 6 pounds 5 ounces again, but we’re getting close!
- You are 20 inches long (27%).
- You look EXACTLY like your big brother (see photo below). Â We hear that from just about everyone, and it’s absolutely true! Â I can’t wait to see how your personality develops.
The Little Apple, about 10 days old. Â Doesn’t Slingshot look just like him?!
- You’ve finally figured out how to latch on properly and enjoy nursing (particularly those all night marathons!). Â I am so thankful that I don’t have to pump anymore and that we don’t have to feed you with a syringe.
- You sleep ALL the time during the day! Â Your big brother was on the other end of the sleeping spectrum, so we don’t quite know what to do with you (answer: embrace it! Â take a nap! Â be productive! ).
- You still keep me up quite a bit at night. Â When you’re awake, you want to be nursing. Â So we’ve had quite a few nights with 2 or 3 hour long nursing marathons. Â Not very fun for mommy, but I’m hoping this will pass soon. Â You’re a growing boy!
- You still see me exclusively as The Milk Lady. Â If I’m holding you, you are rooting around trying to eat (even if you just ate). Â I can only really cuddle with you when you’re asleep. Â Daddy is much better at calming you down than I am.
- We think you may have a bit of reflux. Â Hopefully not as severe as big brother’s, but we’ll see. Â At least we know what to do about it.
- You make the cutest faces! Â You’ve mastered the confused look (see photo above), the angry look, the pouty face, and the excited face. Â We can’t wait to see you smile!
- You are already holding your head up really well when we put you on your tummy, and you look SO close to rolling from front to back. Â You hate tummy time though.