
Cara and Finley

Hi!  I’m Cara, a former attorney currently staying at home with my 3 year old son (The Littlest Apple, aka The EXTREMELY Picky Apple) who keeps me busier than I ever imagined possible. My husband (The Picky Apple) and I live in the Houston area. Both of us went to high school in this area and attended The University of Texas at Austin.  Hook ‘em, Horns!  I love cooking and baking, reading all genres, doing arts and crafts with The Littlest Apple, and dreaming of all the great DIY and décor projects I can do around the house.

Want to know more about me?  Here are 100 Things About Me.

You can contact me at cara (at) thepickyapple (dot) com.  I welcome your questions and comments, so don’t hesitate to email me!

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