Nov 26 09
by cara
at 8:29 PM
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I’m Thankful

I hope all of you are having a Happy Thanksgiving!  We have been busy indeed with our Thanksgiving dinners.

2009 has definitely had its ups and downs, but I have SO MUCH to be thankful for this year.  Here are just a few of the things I am thankful for this Thanksgiving….

The Picky Apple, my husband, my best friend, the voice of sanity and reason in this little family of ours.  I love you!

The Littlest Apple, my amazing little boy with an enthusiasm and zest for life that is unparalleled.  I am so proud to be his mommy.

I’m thankful that I get to stay home with The Littlest Apple and watch him grow and learn all day long.  Being a stay at home mom is not always easy, but I am so thankful to have this experience!

Having parents and in laws nearby.  I can’t imagine NOT having my parents and in-laws nearby!  They have always been super supportive, but they have been amazingly helpful since The LIttlest Apple was born.  I love spending time with them!

The library. Reading is such a passion of mine, and I go through books fast.  How wonderful that we have a great library system nearby where I can borrow an unlimited number of books for free!

The readers of my blog!  I started this blog not really expecting it to become much of anything, mostly as a place to keep track of my favorite recipes and notes on motherhood.  I am so thankful for how much this blog has grown!  Thanks again to all my regular readers and commenters!


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From holiday

  1. Debra permalink

    I too am very thankful for you, the Picky Apple and the Littlest Apple.

    By the way, the cheesecake was delicious!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you too. 🙂

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