Mar 23 12
by cara
at 2:38 PM
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Excuses, Excuses

I have about a million reasons why I haven’t been blogging lately….

My husband was out of town for 5 days.

Spring Break.

The Picky Apple, The Little Apple and I all had The Plague.

Busy watching Mad Men.  (Slow to get on board with that one…)

Busy watching Downton Abbey. (Ditto.)

Busy re-reading The Hunger Games series and dreaming of how fun it would be to go see the movie.

Working out.  About 10 couples we know are doing a Biggest Loser Challenge from March 1-May 31.  We log our weights and get ranked weekly.  No pressure like posting your weight publicly for all the world to see.  The Picky Apple is currently in 3rd place, and I’m somewhere in the middle of the pack.

Doing laundry and piling it up all over the place.  Who has time for folding and hanging things up?!

Project Life.  Week 11, and still loving it!

Oh, and probably the biggest excuse of all…life with a new baby.  When do they stop being newborns?  Slingshot’s 2 1/2 months old now, but we’re definitely still adjusting.

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  1. Txtanya Txtanya permalink

    What a cutie!  Sounds like you’ve been busy!

  2. Courtney permalink

    oh my goodness he is so darn cute!! he looks so much like the little apple!

  3. aroe02 permalink

    Slingshot is a mini-version of the Little Apple (he’s not the Littlest anymore! :-))

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