Feb 13 12
by cara
at 10:51 PM
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May the Force Be With You Valentines

I was really close to sending store-bought Valentines with The Little Apple to preschool for his Valentines party today.  (I KNOW!!  Gasp!!)  But I’m exhausted.  Slingshot has reflux and is super fussy right now.  I’ve got the perfect 5 week old excuse not to be crafty, right?

But I just couldn’t let it go.  For the last 2 years, we made melted heart crayons for The Little Apple’s classmates.  This year I wanted to do something different.  And so this is what we came up with…

Star Wars Valentines for my little Star Wars enthusiast!  I pinned several Valentine ideas on Pinterest that were variations on the glow-sticks-as-light-sabers theme.  So after I found the perfect glow sticks in the dollar bins at Target, I decided to make a go of it.  And to give credit where credit is due, at this point in the process, I showed The Picky Apple the pictures on Pinterest and said “Do this.  Make it happen.”  And then he worked his magic.

Here’s what the photo originally looked like:

The Little Apple is wearing a too-small brown shirt backwards so the logo is hidden.  And The Picky Apple was genius enough to fashion a “robe” out of our Drop Cloth Curtains.  I’m so glad he was in charge of the photo-taking, because I never would have thought to do that!  Conveniently, The Little Apple has a toy light saber, so that was the easy part!

There was a bit of silliness trying to get the right photo….

But once we got the right photo, The Picky Apple got busy Photoshopping.  I know nothing about Photoshop.  But I can tell you that he found the background using a Google Image search.  The Font is SF Distant Galaxy.

I ordered 4×6 photos of the final image.  Then I punched 3 holes right above the light-saber handle, slipped the glow stick through and taped it in place on the back of the photo.  We found that more than 1 hole was needed in order to make the glow stick lay flat.

These Valentines cost less than $5 ($3.80 for 20 photos and $1 for the glow sticks).  Of course, The Picky Apple’s Photoshop skills are priceless, and I am so thankful to have a husband who is willing to help out with my projects!

Happy Valentine’s Day!!

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  1. Georgineb1 permalink

    You will be glad to know that I always volunteer to make roll out cookies, knowing full well that my husband is the one whole does the rolling and cutting. I make and decorate the cookies, but I have no rolling skills. Husbands come through don’t they? Hope Slingshot’s reflux gets better!

  2. Kpoplaski permalink

    I don’t know if I”ve ever commented before but I”ve been reading for a couple of years. Anyways that valentine  is awesome. I’ve dealth with reflux with one of the littles that I used to watch and with her it just took her changing formula (different because you bf) and also outgrowing it even after changing formula she still did it but not as bad.  Praying for you it takes a lot of out you but you can do it.

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