Jan 19 12
by cara
at 10:13 AM
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2 Weeks Old


(you know his real name, but this is his blog “handle” from now on! )

I can’t believe you are 2 weeks old already!  We’re still adjusting to having you at home with us and to being a family of four.  At 2 weeks old:

  • You weigh 6 pounds 1 ounce (3%).  You still haven’t reached your birth weight of 6 pounds 5 ounces again, but we’re getting close!
  • You are 20 inches long (27%).
  • You look EXACTLY like your big brother (see photo below).  We hear that from just about everyone, and it’s absolutely true!  I can’t wait to see how your personality develops.

The Little Apple, about 10 days old.  Doesn’t Slingshot look just like him?!

  • You’ve finally figured out how to latch on properly and enjoy nursing (particularly those all night marathons!).  I am so thankful that I don’t have to pump anymore and that we don’t have to feed you with a syringe.
  • You sleep ALL the time during the day!  Your big brother was on the other end of the sleeping spectrum, so we don’t quite know what to do with you (answer: embrace it!  take a nap!  be productive! ).
  • You still keep me up quite a bit at night.  When you’re awake, you want to be nursing.  So we’ve had quite a few nights with 2 or 3 hour long nursing marathons.  Not very fun for mommy, but I’m hoping this will pass soon.  You’re a growing boy!
  • You still see me exclusively as The Milk Lady.  If I’m holding you, you are rooting around trying to eat (even if you just ate).  I can only really cuddle with you when you’re asleep.  Daddy is much better at calming you down than I am.
  • We think you may have a bit of reflux.  Hopefully not as severe as big brother’s, but we’ll see.  At least we know what to do about it.
  • You make the cutest faces!  You’ve mastered the confused look (see photo above), the angry look, the pouty face, and the excited face.  We can’t wait to see you smile!
  • You are already holding your head up really well when we put you on your tummy, and you look SO close to rolling from front to back.  You hate tummy time though.



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  1. Georgineb1 permalink

    I love that you are calling Shepard Slingshot.  It is a cool moniker. Get an easy chair, recline a bit and nap during those nightly marathons.  We are co-sleepers, and I used to just sit in bed, my arms supposed by boppy or pillows and snooze while my daughter nursed.  In fact, one time, I fell asleep and about 2 hour later, she woke me up by nursing again.  I love little baby faces when they sleep – heck I love my children’s faces when they sleep – if they ever do!

  2. Andrea permalink

    I am sad and embarrassed I have not met him yet! Of course, I am sure you appreciate that we didn’t pass him and sick germs. We were hoping to stop by this weekend- maybe Sun afternoon? We have something small for the little guy. xo

  3. Courtney permalink

    Oh my goodness, 2 weeks!! Time flies! He is so darn cute!

  4. Cyndi Little permalink

    Congratulations!! I’ve just been blessed with 2 new grand children.. born a week apart.. *making my total 7*

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