May 10 11
by cara
at 2:46 PM
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Tile-Roofed Birdhouses

Happy Belated Mother’s Day!  Mother’s Day weekend plus a sinus infection plus an awful case of food poisoning Sunday night through Monday has kept me away from the blog for the last few days.  But now I can finally share the gifts we created for my mom and mother-in-law for Mother’s Day this year.

The first gift was The Littlest Apple’s idea.  He told my mom that she needed a birdhouse for her newly landscaped backyard, and she requested that he make one.  I thought a birdhouse would be a great idea for BOTH grandmas, so an idea was born!

I purchased the unfinished birdhouses and glass tiles at Hobby Lobby.  The Littlest Apple selected the beautiful Spa Blue paint color (intended for outdoor use), and he also helped put hot glue on the roof tiles (though he wasn’t as interested in placement; I took care of that….as you can tell!).  I think the glass tiles really MAKE the birdhouse, don’t you?  The Littlest Apple also placed his handprint of the back of the birdhouse.  I would have stopped there, but The Picky Apple added a perch for the birds to stand on, a hanging hook to the top, and requested that I paint the trim white, which I did.  It does look much more finished that way, I’ll admit.  What began as a quick little Mother’s Day craft from The Littlest Apple turned into a labor of love from our whole family, and I’m very pleased with the result!

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  1. Susan @ Busy at Home permalink

    Awww, that is really cute. The tiles DO make the house and the handprint would make any grandmother melt. Well done!

  2. Sarah permalink

    What a neat idea! I have an unfinished bird house in my garage, now I know what to do with it!!

  3. Ricki Ward permalink

    What a great gift idea! I love the tiled roof!

  4. Interesting blog. It is always good if you’re able to provide more information about this. Thanks a load!

  5. I like how you mixed the different colors of glass tiles and arranged them as roof shingles. It made the roof of the birdhouse a feast for the eyes, especially mothers. What a beautiful Mother’s Day masterpiece.

  6.  Its really a perfect gift for your mom and mother-in-law for Mother’s Day .Well written article.I appreciate your writing skill.Its great .You have done a great job by sharing this post with us.I like this post.Keep in touch with us in future too.

  7. Hey,nice post.I like your idea to give a gift on mother day. Its really an interesting & creative idea.I like this. Am also planning to buy  a parrot .But am worry about parrot house.Thanks for this post.

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  12. Esparzaville permalink

    This is my next project. I think every Grandma should have one of these. Next stop…Hobby Lobby. Thanks for sharing such great ideas!

  13. Cara permalink

    So glad you liked this project! We had such a fun time gluing the tiles on the roof!

  14. Hana Toko permalink

    Was this birdhouse for outside? Did you do anything special to coat it if it is for outdoor use?

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