May 3 11
by cara
at 8:05 PM
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Banana “Ice Cream”

The Littlest Apple frequently eats ice cream after dinner as a high calorie sweet treat.  Remember, he’s on the “eat all the milk and butter in the land” plan to gain weight. (His current favorite ice cream is Haagen Dazs Five Milk Chocolate)  On the other hand, I’m on the “dessert is an occasional treat, not something you need after every meal” plan.  But I do loooooooove ice cream.

I heard/read somewhere (though I have no idea where) that frozen bananas can make a great substitute for ice cream if you pulse it in a food processor for a minute or two until it is a custard-y texture.  And it absolutely tastes like ice cream, particularly if you love Chunky Monkey Ice Cream.  I like to add chopped pecans, coconut and (sometimes) chocolate chips to mine.  A teaspoon or so of Nutella mixed in the food processor is pretty fantastic too!

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1 Comment
  1. Ricki Ward permalink

    We love banana “ice cream!” It’s delicious and really does taste just like ice cream.

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