Mar 4 11
by cara
at 12:33 PM
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Mardi Gras Sensory Bin

I LOVE this sensory bin!  I think it is my favorite one yet, and I can’t wait to surprise The Littlest Apple with it after preschool today!

For the Mardi Gras sensory bin, I used rice for the base.  I colored the rice with Liquid Watercolors (just keep adding and stirring until you get it to the color you want), and set it outside to dry for a few hours.  This was my first time making colored rice, and I’ll definitely be doing this again!  These photos were obviously taken before The Littlest Apple had a chance to mix up all the rice, but I think it looks so neat like this!

I found all of my Mardi Gras supplies at Party City.  I was a little disappointed not to find much Mardi Gras stuff at Hobby Lobby, but Party City saved the day!

Here’s what’s in the bin:

  • Green, purple, and yellow rice
  • Feathers from a Mardi Gras boa
  • Large ornament-like beads and disco ball beads, cut from necklaces
  • Smaller beaded necklaces (uncut)
  • Green and harlequin masks
  • There are supposed to be doubloons (gold coins) in there too, but they didn’t make it into this photo
  • A Gold Crown for the King of the Krewe to wear while playing!  The crown is predictably way too big, but we’re going to figure out something so The Littlest Apple can wear it.  He LOVES the crown (and the masks!).

I’ll be unplugging tomorrow for a little R & R, but stay tuned for more Mardi Gras fun!

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  1. Liz Leppanen permalink

    Sucha great idea. I am going to try to color rice. I like the way it looks.

  2. GretchenP permalink

    really cool! your rice looks great! love the feathers and masks! (and colors of course) 🙂 you have the best tubs!! 🙂

  3. Anonymous permalink

    Thanks, Gretchen. This was one of my favorites. I love the colors of Mardi Gras!

  4. Anonymous permalink

    Coloring rice was way easier than I thought! You just stir in the food coloring (or liquid watercolors), and let it dry. I was amazed that it didn’t rub off, but left beautifully bright colored rice.

  5. Thank so much for stopping by Preschool Lesson Plans, Cara! And, of course, for allowing us to feature your awesome Mardi Gras tub! There’s just something so appealing about the purple/green/gold color combo and all the shiny baubles you included 🙂
    Side Note… I totally thought I was off my game and seeing things when I was writing/crediting the post – to be honest, it had been *one of those days* and I thought I just HAD to be wrong, that there was no way in the world you could both be named Cara! LOL It actually crossed my mind, since I’ve been a follower of The Picky Apple for a while, that maybe you were superwoman and started another blog! Oh dear… Thanks again for stopping by! It’s always so much fun to see what your creative mind comes up with!

    Have a great day!

  6. Sierra at H is for Homeschooli permalink

    I love this! What a beautiful sensory bin. I am sharing it as part of my Mardi Gras Fave Five Friday tomorrow, with a photo and a link back.

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