Feb 4 11
by cara
at 4:31 PM
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For the last two days, we’ve been stuck at home due to “snow” (and I give that term quotes because it was the hyped-up snow storm that never quite got to our house).  The Littlest Apple has been bouncing off the walls, and even though we got him a Jumpolene for Christmas, he doesn’t use it.  (Of course he doesn’t!)  So yesterday and today, we piled up a whole bunch of pillows and couch cushions next to my bed, covered all of it with an old featherbed, and covered THAT with a duvet.  Then The Littlest Apple jumped, dived, and leaped to his heart’s content.  (I joined in on the fun a little too!)  It kept him busy for about 30 minutes each day, and was a great way to burn some energy on a day stuck inside!

Also, the whole time I’ve been writing this post, I’ve had this song in my head….

And if you clicked the link, I’m guessing that you do too.  You’re welcome.

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1 Comment
  1. Carrie Egg permalink

    Oh I can imagine he LOVED all that fun bouncing! Great pictures!

    BTW, love that song 😉

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