Jan 26 11
by cara
at 6:33 PM
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The Sickness (with a capital S) has hit our house.  The Littlest Apple was well enough to go back to preschool today, but we’ve all been doing a lot of this the last few days….

Don’t you just love a sweet sleeping child photo?  I think I only have about 2 other photos of The Littlest Apple sleeping…ever.  Very telling indeed.

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From motherhood

  1. Oh goodness, so sorry sickness has hit, but those are some darn cute pics!

  2. Oh my gosh…I absolutely love pictures of little ones sleeping. Their faces are just so sweet! Poor little guy, but what a sweetie with those rosy cheeks. I’m glad he’s feeling better now.

  3. Pictures of sleeping kids really are the best! Poor little guy, I’m glad he’s feeling better!

  4. Andrea Gaines permalink

    I am so sorry Cara! We have been dealing with sick kiddos over here too. It has really wrecked havoc with Lilly. She actually lost wt. because she was getting so sick all the time. ugh! Something our kiddos don’t need to do. 🙁 Praying you all make a full recovery.

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