Dec 29 10
by cara
at 4:08 PM
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Best of 2010: Projects

I’ve got SO many projects in the works for 2011, but let’s look back at a few of my favorites from 2010.

We finally got the master bedroom painted, and I made curtains out of drop cloths…..

The Picky Apple built an amazing new bed for The Littlest Apple...

I made several wreaths….

Flag Wreath

Halloween Ribbon Wreath

Ornament Ball Wreath

I also had lots of fun playing with Chalkboard Spray paint….

Chalkboard Calendar and Menu Boards

and the Count Your Blessings Chalkboards (wishing I had kept one for me!!)

In 2011, I’ll be working on some of the items from my Upstairs To-Do List, repainting our entire downstairs, and converting our dining room into an office/art studio/mom cave for me!

What projects are you most proud of from 2010?  What projects are on your To Do list for 2011?

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  1. We’ve done lots of little tweaks & tunes since moving into our new house last March, but one of the biggest improvements we’ve made was to give the patio a minor makeover. By just trimming up the support posts to look more like columns and giving everything a fresh coat of paint, it brightened up an other very dingy area and made it look much more upscale.

  2. I particularly like that flag wreath. So patriotic, crafty, and cheerful.

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  1. Winners of the “Favorite Projects of 2010″ Challenge!! « The CSI Project
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