Dec 13 10
by cara
at 10:41 PM
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Christmas Tour of My Home

I’m participating again this year in The Nester’s Christmas Tour of Homes.  I LOVE to check out everyone’s houses all spruced up for Christmas, especially when I can do so in my jammies!

Let’s start outside our front door.

There’s a big natural wreath on the front door with two little lighted trees near the door to greet you.

Pointsettias line the foyer…

New this year are some apple and pine cone filled swags for the stairs.

If you’re a regular reader here, you’ve already seen my mantle, which this year, outshines the tree now that I’ve got my Glitter Trees and Ornament Ball Wreath.

Our tree is a work in progress featuring Santa, red, and silver ornaments.  Next year’s goal will be to create a tree topper and to add some garlands and ribbons.  Oh, and we’ll be switching to artificial because my pine allergy MOST DEFINITELY includes Fraser fir.  (“It’s the itch, itchiest season of alllllllll.”)  Our tree is coming down the day after Christmas, folks.

Here’s a closeup of some of my favorite ornaments:

I also added a few Christmas decorations this year JUST for The Littlest Apple.

First, there’s the tiny tree that’s all his, complete with decorations and a string of shiny red beads to adorn the tree.  His favorite part of his tree is pulling all of the decorations off (actually, pretending that they are jumping off the tree), so we decorate it once or twice a day.  As long as it’s not the big tree, I’m okay with this.

I was also excited to find this wooden Nativity scene by Melissa and Doug.  I LOVE Melissa and Doug stuff!  The Littlest Apple enjoys playing with this.  I hear “Excuse me, Mary!” as he marches the wise men and shepards around.  He also enjoys having the shepards tackle the others (including baby Jesus), so the figures are usually in one big, messy pile.  Joseph has become The Littlest Apple’s favorite figure.  He carts Joseph around the house for bedtime stories, dinner, etc.  Last night he educated Joseph all about Roombas.

I’m also hoping to add a nicer display Nativity scene to my Christmas collection sometime in the future.

There is a Christmas print framed and tucked into our entertainment center alongside my snowglobe.

There are lots more little touches of Christmas around the house, but those are the highlights.  Thanks for stopping by our home, and I’m looking forward to checking out your homes too!

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  1. Jill permalink

    Looks beautiful, Cara!

  2. Carrie permalink

    Very beautiful! I love the wreath. I have yet to get mine up and now you have inspired me to do it TODAY!

    Haha…I have to take a Zyrtec every monrning just to have the tree in the house. This is the 1st year we went with a Noble instead of a Frasier and it’s not as bad this year.

  3. So beautiful! I love that The Littlest Apple has his own tree. I’m definitely doing that next year for the boys!

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