Nov 20 10
by cara
at 1:48 PM
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Turkey Playdough

I planned to make homemade playdough as a party favor for the The Littlest Apple’s Thanksgiving Party.  The original plan was to do Pumpkin Spice Playdough with fall leaf cookie cutters just like last year, but guess what?  If you wait until the week before Thanksgiving it is impossible to find anything fall because the stores have moved on to Christmas.  So, no fall cookie cutters to be found.

Time for Plan B.  I remembered seeing some adorable Turkey Playdough at both Counting Coconuts and Just Deanna (who actually made for a Thanksgiving party favor), and decided to run with that idea.  No cookie cutters needed!  BUT I did need feathers.  And you know what else is hard to find the week before Thanksgiving?  FEATHERS!!  Everyone is doing Thanksgiving projects with feathers.  I had to go to 3 stores before I found what I was looking for, and the color selection was limited.  I wound up with bags of white, red, and black feathers.  Not the original “rainbow” palette I had in mind, but real turkeys have white, black and red coloring, right?  I decided to make it work.

Lesson learned for next year:  plan ahead for Thanksgiving crafts and purchase your supplies early!

I used my standard playdough recipe and added a bit of brown food coloring and lots of red glitter.

I packaged the playdough just like last year, tied off with a fall ribbon (also tricky to find the week before Thanksgiving!).  In addition to the playdough, each favor bag included 2 googly eyes, a beak (a triangle of scrapbook paper) and 2 feet made out of pipecleaners.  I also included a picture of this little guy….

The Littlest Apple has had so much fun sticking the feathers in his playdough turkey, and doing silly things like putting the feathers on top of the turkey’s head or in between the turkey’s eyes.  He also enjoyed “carving” the turkey with a knife….slicing off the tail feathers, cutting off the beak, the eyes.

I’m hoping all of The Littlest Apple’s classmates enjoyed their playdough turkeys too!

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  1. Hahaha! How cute! 🙂

    I think I have a better chance with these than a real Turkey!

  2. Tonya permalink

    Will you please share your playdough recipe? Is it a dough that will harden? I was planning to do this activity with my class & wondered if I should use a dough that hardens instead of my typical recipe.

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