Nov 19 10
by cara
at 4:00 PM
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Not Exactly What We Had In Mind….

This wasn’t exactly what we had in mind when we built The Littlest Apple’s new bed with storage space underneath.

But as long as he’s taking a nap (which has been a huge struggle this week), I guess that’s okay.  Hope he doesn’t bump his head when he wakes up…..

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From motherhood

  1. Well it’s totally super cute!!

  2. Sylvia permalink

    Love it!! Maybe he wants a bunk bed?

  3. that is so cute! that bed is amazing! you’re lucky to have a handy husband!!

  4. jane permalink

    This is too cool. I’d want to take a nap there!

  5. Andrea Apple permalink

    It’s an already assembled fort. Why wouldn’t you take a nap there??

    Too cute.

  6. rcjmom permalink

    My son used to do the same thing at naptime! Either under his bed or on the floor in front of the gate. Obviously he needs the sleep! So cute!

  7. nopinkhere permalink

    In our house, we are all about napping in creative locations. Sometimes we hang sheets from the (currently unused) top bunk to create a tent. Sometimes we put up the playtent. Sometimes we make nest and the baby bird hatches at the end of nap. Sometimes we even sleep under the bed too. And that’s how my 4-1/2 year old still takes naps about half the time.

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