Oct 8 10
by cara
at 6:02 PM
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Halloween Playdough

I’ve got the next Life With a Spirited Child post in the works, but I wanted to post this Halloween playdough sooner rather than later.  I created some new Halloween playdough to go along with our Halloween Sensory Bin.  I made 2 types: black with lots of purple glitter and orange.  Both are unscented.  I’ll break out the scents again in November’s playdough.

Have you ever used black food coloring before?  I’ve got the Wilton gels, and my hands are now stained a purplish/reddish color.

I gave The Littlest Apple some pipe cleaners and googly eyes to use for some spider and monster creations this month, and he LOVES it!

Here’s The Littlest Apple creating a “monster”: (I haven’t shown him much since his surgery, have I?  So nice to see his little cheeks again!)

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  1. kila atcheson permalink

    After the gel is mixed in the playdough did The Littlest Apple’s hands turn color?

  2. Oooo – love the purple glitter against the black! Now I can’t decide if I’ll make this version or the one I was going to do. Maybe both! Either way I’ll be sure to link back to this post! Such a fun idea, Cara!

  3. Kila,

    Good question! The Littlest Apple’s hands may have been just a teeny bit discolored after playing with the playdough, but it washed off immediately. (Mine, not so much.) I’ll definitely let you know if it becomes an issue for him.

  4. Ricki permalink

    I love the purple glitter in the black playdough. Perfect for Halloween!

  5. awe he is adorable!!! this is such a creative idea!! i really wish i knew about this earlier- what a perfect pre-halloween craft/hobby for the kids, and well adults too 😉 hehe

  6. Amber permalink

    I missed it where is the playdough reciepe?

  7. Amber,

    Sorry I’ve been so slow to respond to your question! You can find the playdough recipe in this post: https://www.thepickyapple.com/blog/2010/08/23/apple-pie-scented-playdough/

    Just omit the apple pie spices and substitute your own scents and food colors. Hope that helps!

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