Aug 17 10
by cara
at 10:59 AM
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Chalkboard Calendar and Menu Board

I’m working on a Kitchen Command center to help keep me organized.  I’ve got a few more details to add, but I wanted to share this sneak peek.

Over the weekend, I created a Chalkboard Calendar and a Chalkboard Menu board using chalkboard spray paint.  As usual, I’m late jumping on the chalkboard bandwagon, and this is only my 3rd spray paint project.  (Remember when I tackled the bathroom cabinets with spray paint?)  I’ve been wanting to try some chalkboard paint for a few years now, and finally I have!  I purchased 2 picture frames from Michael’s (both 40% off!) and sprayed the glass with 2 coats of chalkboard spray paint.  You let it dry, then “cure” it by rubbing chalk all over, then erasing.  That’s it!

(Looking forward to changing the yellow paint, too!)

I’m going to order some Chalk Ink to use with my chalkboards (it was sold out everywhere I looked), and I may outline the calendar squares in paint pen for a more permanent look.  I’m super happy with how they turned out, and I can’t wait to finish the entire Kitchen Command Center!  I’m also itchin’ to spray paint something else with chalkboard paint…maybe something for The Littlest Apple’s room?

Have you ever tried Chalkboard Spray Paint?

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  1. I have a can, never used and now I am so inspired to go for it. Love your message center.

  2. I love it! I’m so sick of hearing ‘what’s for dinner?’ I think I might make myself a menu board. I had no idea they made chalkboard spray paint! I think I might try it out to refresh the worn chalkboard side of the easel my toddler has. Awesome! Thanks for the great ideas!

  3. I LOVE that nice, big calendar!! Very cool command center. 🙂 Thanks for the visit today!

  4. I used to have a whole chalkboard wall when my girls were little. Now I have the door to our basement painted. I never write on it though. Hmmm…….I wonder what I can turn that door into!

  5. So here’s my question… I really want to try out the whole chalkboard paint thing, but my blood runs cold when I hear chalk on a chalkboard. Is it super squeaky? Will my eardrums shatter and die a death of a thousand burning suns or something like that?

  6. Love the chalkboards! I so want one for our house.

  7. Thanks for all the comments ladies! I’m no spray paint pro, but I was pleased as punch with how easy this was!

    Roo- LOL! It can be a little squeaky (maybe because I sprayed on glass?), but I’m thinking that Chalk Ink markers might be a great option for you. I don’t have them, but I imagine they’d be less squeaky than chalk. Can any Chalk Ink owners confirm or deny?

    PS. For some reason the squeaky chalkboard sound doesn’t bother me…but the sound of pulling apart a cotton ball gives me the willies every time!

  8. Andrea permalink

    This is AWESOME! You are so creative Cara. I think I am going to steal this idea for our kitchen as well. We are doing a tuscan theme and this would go really well with that. I love all of your projects. You are such an inspiration!

  9. I love this idea! What a great project!

  10. Andrea- Not sure how creative I am, but I AM good at reading other crafty blogs and finding fun stuff I want to make myself, LOL! 🙂 Thanks for your kind words!


  11. Wow~ I love that chalkboard calendar! What a great idea!

  12. I just bought a top slant desk for my son’s room, and I want to chalkboard the top of it.
    I really like the frame into chalkboard idea!

  13. These look great, Cara! I think I am going to try this for my kitchen, too! We could use a command center:-)!

  14. Vivian permalink

    I came across this post while researching for my shop. If you don’t wish to do the work yourself, I invite you to visit my shop! I sell magnetic chalkboards, and also Chalkboard Vinyl boards which allow you to easily erase the Chalk Ink! 🙂

    Thanks so much!

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  1. Tweets that mention Chalkboard Calendar and Menu Board | The Picky Apple --
  2. need ideas to decorate behind kitchen sink?
  3. Chalkboard Lids | The Picky Apple
  4. Count Your Blessings Chalkboards | The Picky Apple
  5. Chalkboard Calendar Inspiration | Beneath My Heart
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