Aug 5 10
by admin
at 8:29 PM
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Rainbow Sun-catchers

At last week’s Art Playgroup, I set up two art activities (instead of just one), including these Rainbow Sun-catchers.  Similar to the Heart Sun-catchers we made with The Littlest Apple’s preschool class last Valentine’s Day, these sun-catchers are made of Contact Paper and tissue paper in a rainbow of colors.  All 5 of our little boys enjoyed this project (though as usual, mine completed his later that afternoon), and I liked having second project since the kids usually finish the first one in 10 minutes or less.  These do take a little more prep work for the parent, but I think the results are well worth it!  These sun-catchers look so beautiful in the late afternoon as they hang in dining room window.  And as a bonus?  There’s not much of a mess to clean up!

Okay, so I made this one for the project demo……pretty rainbow!

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  1. Those turned out lovely – I love that project:)

  2. These are so pretty! I wanted to do this for our rainbow week in May (or was it April?) but I never got around to it. Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. Beautiful!

  4. Those are such a fun idea, thankls for sharing them, I found you via No time for flash cards

  5. Brandee permalink

    I love finding new crafts for my 2 year old to do! She is so busy all the time, it helps to have something to keep her occupied! I found your blog linked to No Time For Flash Cards, and I’ll be bookmarking it for later! 😉 Thanks!

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