Jul 25 10
by admin
at 6:46 AM
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Master Bedroom Makeover: The Vision

Now that I’m finally finished painting the master bedroom (in that perfect blue-gray color that I absolutely love), I’ve started thinking about how I want it decorated.  My plan is to use the colors of sand, ocean, and sky with some whites, interesting textures and brighter decorative accents used sparingly.  I think the look I’m going for is “Seaside Elegance,” coastal chic, “beachy” sophisticated.  Hope that makes sense!  Here are some of the basics I’ve already decided on….

Bedding options:

Cirrus Duvet from Anthropologie

Ruched Duvet from Pottery Barn

Headboard inspiration (we’ll be making our own):

Colette Bed from Crate & Barrel

I’m planning on making my own drop cloth curtains like these (here’s a link to my completed curtains!), and I may add some decorative trim:

image from The Lettered Cottage

I love the idea of a seating area, with two comfy chairs to lounge in, but I’m having trouble working that in to the traffic flow of the room.  The Picky Apple thinks there is NOT room for 2 chairs, so for now we’ll just have a reading nook in the corner with a chair and ottoman (we already have the ottoman)

Ektorp Chair from IKEA

or a chaise

Ektorp Chaise from IKEA

One main element of the room I haven’t quite figured out yet is shelving.  We don’t need any clothing storage in our bedroom (we fortunately have a gigantic closet), but we do need some bookshelves.  I could make an entire wall of shelving, or just use a long low shelf with decorative paintings above….I’m still having trouble picturing what I want.

For decorative accents (where I’ll bring in more color), this is the kind of stuff I have in mind:

Seahorse Print from Etsy seller YeOldeArteShoppe

Abstract Beach Canvas from Etsy seller breverjohnson

To keep it from being too formal, some signs like this, (though maybe not yellow)…

Beach Rules Vintage Sign from Etsy seller barnowlprimatives

Eva Colored Glass Lamp from Pottery Barn

Alexis Ceramic Lamp from Pottery Barn

Paolo Stripe from Pottery Barn

Link Beach Pillow from By The Sea Decor

Coastal Pillows from Pottery Barn

Are you getting a sense of my vision for this room yet?  I still have a lot to figure out (and purchase/make) but I’m excited about the direction this room is headed.  What do you think?

I’m sharing this post with the Show Me The Progress Party at Serenity Now.

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  1. I think it will be beautiful. You have merged the colors and the theme into a room of peace and tranquility. Have fun making this vision a reality!

  2. I adore it – perfect! It looks like it will be so relaxing. 🙂

    In my house, I could never pull off all the neutral colors because of our chocolate lab!

  3. Ooo! I love your inspiration pieces! I can’t wait to see what it would look like done!


  4. Oh I LOVE it!!! I think eventually I’ll have a master bedroom that looks similar 🙂
    (Can’t wait to see pictures of the headbord! My mother made herself one years ago, and it she said it was so much easier than she thought it would be!)

  5. I think it all looks great! I love the blues and greens. They’re so pretty!

  6. I LOVE it. Love the seahorse print and the colored glass lamps. I can’t wait to see pictures of the finished product!

  7. Andrea Apple permalink

    Love it! Love, love, love Pottery Barn overall, but would not recommend their bedding. Matt actually bought me the ruched bedding awhile back, and it tore once so we returned it. Then it tore AGAIN! I guess it’s not made for crazy sleepers like us… would recommend looking for something more sturdy with a similar design.

  8. I love how this will feel. I like the texture and earth tones of the Coastal pillows and ruched duvet. I like the Paulo stripe pillow, too. The curtains are perfect. Will you have the bamboo shades behind them? I love that. Your art choices are great. I love the Abstact Beach, but will it be hard to match? I like the Beach Rules, but maybe not that colour. (Hard to repeat?) Fun plans. I am visiting from Serenity Now.

  9. Oh, I loooove your plan! That gorgeous gray-blue is what I’d like to do in our bedroom, should I ever make it that far. 😉 I really like all of your choices, especially the colored glass lamps from PB. I am very very jealous of your ginormous closet. Unfortunately, 1970s Colonials don’t come with those. 😉

    Thank you so much for linking up with me. I hope you have fun visiting around with the other participants, and I hope you’ll stop by my blog again sometime soon. 🙂

  10. You have a great plan for this room! Good luck with your curtains. I made drop cloth curtains for my mom earlier this week and will post a picture of them on my blog if you’d like to stop by to see them.


  11. Your plan looks great! Nice job. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that yellow Beach Rule sign and the seahorse picture. 🙂

  12. Hi! I love your bedding inspiration! lovely pieces, you’ll have so much fun putting this all together! Thanks for stopping by my blog over the weekend! Fun to get to know you! 🙂

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  1. Drop Cloth Curtains and Paintings | The Picky Apple
  2. The Dailies: My Daily Cleaning List | The Picky Apple
  3. Boy’s Striped Nursery | The Picky Apple
  4. Home Projects Upstairs To-Do List | The Picky Apple
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