Jul 2 10
by cara
at 2:59 PM
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My Flag Wreath Was Featured On…

Earlier this week I posted my wreath made with flag toothpicks.

This was one of the first craft projects shared on the blog, and on a whim, I decided to include it in a couple linky parties/contests featuring a red, white, and blue theme.  I have been absolutely AMAZED and flattered by how popular this little project has become!  As a result, my blog page views have more than doubled this week, and my normally quiet little blog of mine is getting lots of comments.  I’ve also heard from many of you via comments, email, and Facebook that have been inspired to make your own wreath, too.  And it’s all thanks to the following blogs for featuring my flag wreath:

First, my project was featured on the Sunday Showcase at Under the Table and Dreaming.  There were 192 entries this week!

Then, out of 147 entries in the CSI Project: Red White and Blue Challenge, my flag wreath made the Top 10!!

Tidy Mom included my flag wreath in her I’m Loving It-Patriotic Style post

mod blog also dedicated a post entirely to my flag wreath.

Focal Point included the flag wreath on a roundup of patriotic DIY projects

I feel like I’m forgetting someone, so if you featured my flag wreath, just send me an email or comment here, and I’ll add a link back to your blog!  Thanks again everyone, you made my week!  Who knew a little flag wreath made with toothpicks would be so popular?!

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From crafts

  1. Yup, it is official. YOU NEED YOUR OWN TV SHOW. I’ve decided that MUST be in your future. The cooking, the great kids crafts, the regular crafts…. yup, you need your own show!

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  1. Halloween Ribbon Wreath | The Picky Apple
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