Gardening Sensory Bin
This sensory tub may be my favorite one yet, and it is perfect for spring and summertime. The Littlest Apple loves to dig in the dirt and “help” in the garden and with the yardwork. So I put together a sensory tub based on those interests. The sensory tub is filled with organic soil (you have to watch out for the fertilizers in all of the potting soil since little hands are going to be in it!), a couple of pots, a small rake, shovel, a 6 pack of marigolds (hardy and inexpensive), a watering can, and best of all, WORMS!! A big thanks to Grandma and Grandpa for picking up some of the supplies for this bin, including the worms. They purchased our worms at Walmart (located near the fishing supplies), but they are also available at some garden centers.
Prepare yourselves for hours of fun watching the worms, examining the flowers, planting the flowers in the bin or the pot, digging in the dirt, raking, watering the flowers and worms, and using a magnifying glass (not pictured) to examine the flowers and dirt.
This is GREAT — braaave girl adding those worms! 🙂 I made a gardening sensory box for May as well, but haven’t had a chance to post about it. Yours is so fun!
This post was mentioned in my Great Posts I Came Across This Week. Here is a link to my post:
I am a pre-K teacher and I tried this with my kids and it was great. LOVE IT!!!