May 13 10
by admin
at 9:56 AM
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What You’re Reading

I don’t really pay much attention to my blog rankings, site visits, and all of that nonsense.  I’m just here because I enjoy blogging!  But I did take a few minutes to check out Google Analytics this week, and found out some very interesting things….

Right now, the most popular posts on my blog include:

  • Beer Bread–I’m going to toot my own horn here a little, because this is currently Google rank #1 for “beer bread”!  (Is it a major faux pas to discuss Google ranks?  Is the first rule of Google rankings that you don’t talk about Google rankings?)  Well, I was excited.  I know rankings change daily, if not hourly, but I took a screenshot, just to prove it and to save it for posterity’s sake.  (And yes, I do have way too many tabs open on my browser.  Thanks for noticing that.)

Picture 4

Obviously the recipes still reign supreme, given that my original content was recipes, recipes, recipes.  I’m still glad I branched out, and I hope you are too.

And just for kicks, here are some other Google Searches that brought some of you here:

  • do fruit snacks make your butt look big?–Well, it might not be the fruit snacks, per se, but they sure aren’t helping matters.  Exactly how many fruit snacks are you eating?!  Also, if you have to ask, then the answer is undoubtedly YES.
  • Fiji water prices at HEB–Too expensive!  I know because I used to buy it all the time.  And why are you still buying bottled water anyway?  Get yourself a pitcher with a filter.  Drinking Fiji water will not make you cooler, but it will make you poorer.
  • my favorite appetizer of all time–well, I don’t know what YOUR favorite appetizer of all time is (and I’m not sure that Google is familiar with your particular food preferences), but one of mine is Warm Goat Cheese Toasts with Rosemary, Pecans and Honey.  The other is Buffalo Chicken Dip (recipe coming soon).  I can’t get enough of either of these!  And they WILL make your butt look big.
  • mcmama’s kids names–Well, I know one of them is Stellan, but you should probably ask McMama, don’t you think?
  • potty monster–are you talking about the loud automatic flush toilets in some public restrooms?  If so, those ARE scary.  No wonder The Littlest Apple refuses to use public restrooms!
  • what to read after twilight and outlander–Those are tough acts to follow, but if you want another series may I suggest Into The Wilderness, by Sara Donati?
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  1. I love posts like this. Do fruit snacks make your butt look big? — PRICELESS. And I completely missed the strawberry margarita cupcakes. You can bet your fruit-snack-big butt I’m going to make those!

  2. Good stuff – love your suggestions and recipes. Can’t wait to make that mango salsa with some fish next week and the bath salts have been added to my (looong) to do list. Thanks for sharing all of this with us!


    PS: I don’t think it’s a faux pas to talk about your stats – in fact, tell me more about this Google Analytics thing so I can check mine, too. 🙂

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