Mar 28 10
by cara
at 4:58 PM
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Tot School, March 28


The Littlest Apple is 31 months old.

Here are some of the fun activities we’ve been doing the last few weeks.  The Littlest Apple has been very busy playing with his cars and trucks, but I did managed to get him involved in a few other activities.

We colored in a giant Tonka trucks coloring book I found at Hobby Lobby.  He loves to look at all the pictures, and likes for me to color them.  He’s not big on coloring, but I got him to follow directions by saying “Can you color the tires?”  (Obviously the dump truck was all me!)

Tonka Coloring Book

I gave The Littlest Apple a bucket full of soapy water, some dishes, a sponge, and a towel, and let him go to town washing dishes.  I put towels on the floor to catch the water spills (and there were many!).  He LOVED this!  While he scrubbed the dishes, he sang “Keep it tidy, tidy, tidy.  Keep it clean, clean clean.”  This isn’t the best photo, but I liked it because you can tell he’s singing!

Washing Dishes

The Littlest Apple mixed white and red paint, then used a qtip to make a spring tree.  (idea adapted from No Time For Flashcards)

Spring Tree

The Littlest Apple and I went to the Livestock Show and Rodeo!  It’s the first time we’ve been to the kid’s section.  There was lots of walking, but we had a good time.  I’ll try not to go during Spring Break next year.  I didn’t get many pictures since I was chasing after The Littlest Apple for the most part.  The Littlest Apple’s favorite parts were the petting zoo, some big tractors to sit on, and seeing the baby chicks hatching out of eggs.

In this one, he’s saying “Hi goat!  I’m Finley!”

Rodeo Petting Zoo

This was the SMALLER tractor.  The other one was really huge.  It’s too bad there were so many people waiting to sit on them.  The Littlest Apple did NOT want to get down.  I had to drag him away kicking and screaming.

Rodeo Tractor

We created some Salad Spinner Art.  My intention was to make them in to flowers, but The Littlest Apple had no desire to paint the popsicle sticks needed for stems, so we just left them as-is.

Salad Spinner Art 1

Salad Spinner Art 2Salad Spinner Art 3

While shopping at Michael’s, we came across various bags of rocks, meant to be fillers for vases.  The Littlest Apple wanted to play with them, so I bought a couple of bags of large, small, and rainbow colored rocks to create a new sensory tub.  This is a current favorite!  We sort by size, shape, and color.  He also loves to fill up his various trucks with all of the rocks.

Rock Sensory Tub

I try to bake something at least once a week with The Littlest Apple.  This week we made Ginger Pecan Granola (recipe coming soon!).

Making Granola with Finley

I also picked up this cute little bird house in the dollar bin at Michael’s to paint.  Even though he didn’t completely cover it in paint, he was really proud of it, and can’t wait to hang it up in a tree in our backyard.

Birdhouse Painting

I created a “Sink or Float?” activity using plastic eggs and some random little things.  (idea from No Time for Flashcards).  Most of our eggs floated, but The Littlest Apple enjoyed playing with the eggs and the water, and opening the eggs to see what was inside.  (And I should have put towels down, as I did for the dish-washing activity, because we got water everywhere!)

Egg Float 1Egg Float 2

Since the weather has been nicer lately, we’ve spent lots of playing outside in the sandbox.


I attempted this little Bunny Tails craft, but The Littlest Apple wasn’t very interested.  The idea was to use a clothespin to hold a pom pom, then dip the pom pom in paint to create a tail and other spots for the bunny on the picture.  The Littlest Apple did a few dots and I did the rest!

Bunny Tails

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  1. Looks like a fun week!

  2. Too bad he didn’t like the bunny tail art. What a cute idea.

    I love salad spinner art. My current tot has never done it because I haven’t seen our spinner since our move from Guam. Poor kid. LOL

  3. I might try a few of these with the kids this week! I need to get a little motivation from you… the days always go by so much better when we do fun activities like that!

  4. I love that he was singing while he was doing dishes:) Looks like a great week!

  5. You are the BEST MOM!

  6. I LOVE the picture of your son and the goat! What a fun experience. I am now o the look out for the truck coloring book. I bet my son would love it.

  7. I love the salad spinner activity.

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