Feb 19 10
by cara
at 9:10 PM
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Homemade Whole Wheat Sandwich Bread

I’m never buying store bought sandwich bread again!

Jo-Lynne from Musings of A Housewife is one of my blogger-heros.  She is someone I truly look up to in the quest for eating more real foods, partly because she makes it seem do-able.  She’s not soaking grains and fermenting things (yet!), she’s just sticking to the basics, like baking her own bread.  I’ve had this recipe of hers bookmarked for a while, and I finally got a chance to try it this week.  I’m not sure why I waited so long.  Maybe I was intimidated by the mere idea of baking bread?  I had a pretty rough time baking Julia Child’s French Bread a couple of years ago, but I’ve used yeast successfully many other times.  There is no reason to be afraid of this recipe, all of you yeast-o-phobes!  This bread is really easy to throw together, and super flexible in terms of the kind of flour you can use!  The best part is that the recipe makes 4 loaves, so if you use one loaf a week, then you only need to make it once a month!  Good look with rationing the bread out for an entire month…just try to stop yourself from eating it all!  I will note that I found out the hard way that my Kitchen Aid mixer is too small for the full recipe.  Next time I’ll make half a recipe.  Instead of posting the recipe here like I would normally do, just go on over to Jo-Lynne’s blog to see her recipe and fantastic photo tutorial!

My extra uncooked loaves, ready for the freezer:

Whole Wheat Sandwich Bread


Whole Wheat Sandwich Bread 2

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From bread, recipes

  1. Oooooooooooo that looks so tasty!!! I will have to give it a whirl for sure.

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