Entryway Design Dilemma
I feel like my whole house is one big Design Dilemma right now, but today I want to focus on one itty bitty wall.
This one little spot continues to stump me. This wall is just to the left of the garage door, just to the right of the kitchen. Let’s ignore the paint colors for right now. That’s a whole different blog post….
I don’t quite know what to do with this spot. I’m thinking that I want it to be part decorative, part functional as a “launch pad.” As you can see from this other angle below, we’ve already got a corner bench and shelf on the other side of the garage door (and just to the left of our front door)for bags, coats, and The Littlest Apple’s shoes.
The main problem is that this wall (to the left of that white dividing “arch” that sticks out) is only 31 inches wide. Many of the consoles, bookcases, and cabinets I’ve looked at are wider than that. The ones that ARE skinny enough are usually too tall, and would cover up the light switch, which starts 50 inches from the ground. I don’t want something too deep, either. This is a high traffic area and I don’t want something sticking out too far. So my requirements thus far: not too long, not too tall, and not too deep. That’s not asking too much, is it?
One last issue: as you can see from the photo, there is no electric outlet on this wall (nor around the corner)…I’ve seriously contemplated having an electrician come out to install an outlet here. Then we could have a charging station for our phones, iPods, and cameras and/or a cute little lamp. I need more lamps in my life.
I’ve been looking for something to put in this spot for 3 years now. The Picky Apple has been hearing about this for 3 years now, and I’m sure he thanks you in advance for taking the time to read this post and help me out. He’s got more important things to focus on right now, like writing programs to calculate his betting strategies at the craps table for his upcoming trip to Vegas. If only I was joking.
Do any of you have any genius suggestions?
I’m also unsure about color. With the exception of the white furniture we purchased for The Littlest Apple’s room, all the wood furniture we’ve purchased has been dark, dark, and more dark. Our kitchen cabinets are dark. We have 2 dark leather chairs. Dark barstools in the kitchen. Time to branch out maybe, or stick with more dark since the corner bench and shelf are dark too?
I seriously considered using just the top part of this one, but then wouldn’t the charging station and letter sorters be at strange heights? Also kind of pricey, so I’m not sure:
Gorgeous, but way too wide:
This next one is a mere 3 inches too wide, but a simple enough design…perhaps The Picky Apple could build something similar? Maybe a little too boring? Also, if I wait for The Picky Apple to build it, it might take another 3 years.
I think I’d prefer something like this, with some open shelving as well as drawers or cabinets. This with 20 inches chopped off:
Here’s a Ballard option that would fit, but I just feel ambivalent about it:
And just so you don’t think I’m a huge Pottery Barn/Ballard Designs snob, here are some JC Penny’s options.
This one is the right width, but too deep and I’m not too keen on the lattice work on the sides…
LOVE this one, in black or red, but it’s too wide:
Too deep….
Target has some similar options…but this one is too wide:
This one is intriguing (and fits my size requirements!), but I’m worried about the quality. Reviews say it looks nicer than in the photo..
I’ve also considered making this place a little command central with a small desk or secretary, a place to pay the bills, stash papers and my laptop (instead of leaving it on the kitchen island). I could grab a stool from the nearby kitchen island. We need a space like this somewhere downstairs, but I’m not sure if this little wall is the right spot.
Loving this secretary from Ballard, but it is 1 inch too tall (maybe workable). Too big of a piece of furniture for this wall?
Too wide (and too red? I love the color, but I’m wanting to take things in a more neutral direction, methinks):
I’ve bored you enough with all these photos. Do any of these options speak to you? Any other advice for my entryway design dilemma? I’d love to hear from you!!
Wow…so many pieces to choose from! I think dark wood would probably look better and go better with the items you already have. I really like the target options, 2nd one in particular… by the way, love your corner bench and shelf…its so adorable and perfect for that space!
before I saw the photos of the furniture pieces I was thinking a floating shelf maybe even match it to the corner piece deep, not just 4-6 inches but a foot or so and then if you had an outlet put under the switches the cords may be able to be covered for a charging station phone/answering machine if necessary. I like the color by the way
Have you seen the Apex Tower from West Elm? I am dying to use it in a similar space in our bedroom — a small wall between the hallway in and our bathroom door. Here is the link and GOOD LUCK!
I need to do some magic at my house. I love the corner shelf and bench. I am so sad that I don’t have a place for something similar.
You should check out this blog if you’re not against building.
You have been shopping at some of my favorite places — Ballard, Pottery Barn, JC Penney, Crate and Barrel (?). Have you checked out http://www.homedecorators.com ? Maybe you’ll see something there. You have great ideas. It just seems like you need to find something to fit the dimensions of the space. Good luck!
Hi there, I also have a similiar dilemna and am interested in that table that you have posted from Target, the one with the charging station. Only problem is I can’t seem to find it anywhere. Does anyone know where I can find this? Or what to call it? Thx
Where did you get the corner shelf/ corner bench set?? I LOVE it, and it would be perfect on the landing of our stairs leading outside!!
The corner shelf and bench are from JC Penney (and identical to the one from Pottery Barn). I just checked their website, and I don’t see the corner unit…only the long one. I LOVE ours (though I do wish we had room for a full bench)!
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I just ran into your blog, and read your dilemma. If you have yet to solve it, then I’d offer the idea of getting a large, tall vase or big milk can or (as I have in a corner in my house) a wicker vase that is about 30 inches tall; fill it with peacock feathers or fake sunflowers or umbrellas. Then hang a piece of art above it. Not very functional, but pretty.
These furniture pics are really great.Wish I’d found this blog earlier. Some really
great posts.Very interesting. I hadn’t thought of some of these things before.
Nice blog. I have just bookmarked this page so I
don’t miss any more of these.I would never have normally come here to read the
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Smart post given in your blog.Really very useful and full of information.I really appreciate what you wrote in your post.Thanks for sharing.
Thoroughly enjoyed the post. Eagerly anticipating what’s
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really glad I did. I will definitely be coming back.
I saw this entryway and loved it!
Find the app houzz and look up entryways. They have the best ideas I have found so far!
They have a floating cabinet I love! I can’t figure out how to post the picture.
I must say that it’s a wow. They really are so impressive. I am planning to have an interior design which photos are being featured above.
Nice post.Any updates coming soon?
This is a great blog post! Thanks for shining the light on the world of furniture!Excellent article, very informative, I learned quite a bit! Yes, I agree with you.
Thanks to share this.