Feb 7 10
by admin
at 10:00 PM
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What The Littlest Apple Learned This Week in Tot School…

…the letters C and O fit on toes!!

Letters on Toes

It was a slow week.

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  1. Hilarious! Hey, at least he learned those two letters! You are funny.

  2. Tara,

    Yeah, he’s been learning his lower case letters, even if his method is sometimes unconventional. (He already knows all of his upper case). Obviously, this summary of our week is a bit of an exaggeration, but he had his own ideas this week about what he wanted to do!

  3. This is adorable!! I love that he stuck them on his toes and you took a picture of it, and I REALLY love that you blogged about it. LOL 🙂

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