Jan 8 10
by admin
at 10:02 PM
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What The Littlest Apple is Reading, January 8

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Since it’s been freezing out and we’re stuck indoors, we’ve been reading lots of books.  Here are a few more books The Littlest Apple got for Christmas that we’ve been reading over and over and over again…

Knuffle Bunny, by Mo Willems: A cute story from the author of Don’t Let The Pigeon Drive The Bus.  A little girl named Trixie goes to the laundromat with her Daddy, loses her stuffed animal, and says her first word.  My son thinks the baby talk in this book is hilarious!

Knuffle Bunny

Hug, by Jez Alborough: What I love most about this book is the expressiveness and emotion conveyed with just a few words, the main one being “Hug.”  The Littlest Apple adores this book…he made me read it to him about 5 times in a row yesterday, a record for any book (and you know how much he loves his truck books!!)


The Little Dump Truck, by Margery Cuyler: I found this one day at the bookstore when I wasn’t even looking for more books for The Littlest Apple.  It’s got great retro-ish illustrations that show the dump truck going to a construction site then taking its load to the landfill.  Lots of other kinds of trucks are shown too!

The Little Dump Truck

Finn Throws a Fit, by David Elliott:  Could this book BE any more perfect for my Finn?!  A little boy named Finn has such a big tantrum (over peaches, or is it something more than that?) that his tears flood the house, lightening in the kitchen, an earthquake rocks the world, etc.  Any parent will certainly appreciate this one!  It’s a good story, but obviously there’s an extra connection here because my son shares the character’s name.

Finn Throws a Fit

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From books, reviews

  1. My little girl loves books, although she’s not really old enough to realize what they are about. I can’t wait until she’s a little older and we can pick out books like these to read together!

  2. I LOVE Knuffle Bunny. I always read it at the start of the Baby Sign classes I teach to show how much “stress” could have been saved if the baby knew the sign for “bunny”.
    It sure is a Cute and Fun book!
    You have picked a great collection here!

  3. Knuffle Bunny is one of our favorites too! My kids are a little older than Finn, but I think I will start doing a feature like this on my blog. Great idea!

  4. I’ve got to check if our library has Finn Throws a Fit. We may not have a Finn, but we definately have fits!

  5. We will have to check out at least the last one! 🙂

  6. I love Knuffle Bunny. There’s a sequel to it that’s almost as cute, but doesn’t have the priceless “Snerp.”

  7. Thanks for joining this week. We also enjoy reading the books with my daughter’s name in them. If Finn liked Hug, he will probably like Tall of the same author with the same monkey as a main character. For whatever reason Anna didn’t warm up to Mo Willems’ books, and we tried a lot of them including Knuffle Bunny. Maybe we will try them again in a few months and see if she changes her opinion.

  8. That dump truck book does have cool illustrations… I’ve never seen that one – will look for it now!

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