Dec 1 09
by cara
at 10:34 PM
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Some of My Favorite Appetizers

‘Tis the season for holiday parties!  In addition to friendship and fun, holiday parties mean lots and lots of food. Particularly finger food and appetizers.  Here are a few of my favorite appetizers that will keep your guests coming back for more.  I’m hoping to try some new appetizers this holiday season!

Dipping Oil: Goes great with crusty bread…just like the dipping oil at Carrabba’s

Buffalo Chicken Nuggets: Works great as a meal too!

Buffalo Chicken Nuggets

Chicken Empanadas: These freeze well and work great for dinner too!

Chicken Empanadas

Warm Goat Cheese Toasts with Rosemary, Pecans and Honey:  This is my MOST FAVORITE appetizer of all time!  Sometimes I make these just for me, for a snack.  Love it!

Steak Bites: A recent discovery that makes a great meaty appetizer or dinner.  Bite size steaks!

Steak Bites

I’m sharing this post with the 2nd Annual Bloggy Progressive Dinner: Appetizers, hosted by Balancing Beauty and Bedlam.

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  1. Man, those goat cheese toasts sound AMAZING. I’m making them this year for sure!!

  2. Steak Bites. Yum. Reminds me of Fondue. We used to make that often when we entertained pre-kids.

    Now we serve pizza. Or chicken enchiladas. Or lasagna. 🙂

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