What The Littlest Apple is Reading, November 7
The Littlest Apple and I visited the library this week, finally. It has been a month or more since I took him with me to select books. I had been going on days when he was at Mother’s Day Out to grab a few books for myself. When we walked in, he held his little arms up in the air and screamed, “LIBRARY!!!” at the top of his lungs in the very echo-y library. People turned and stared. He was very enthusiastic about being at the library. The Littlest Apple is a “bolter”…he has no desire to stay with mommy and daddy, hold our hands, or stay near us. He runs off, and definitely has his own agenda about what he wants to look at and where. This makes selecting books with him at the library very difficult (and a big lesson in patience, for me). This week was no different, but I managed to grab a couple of good books as I chased The Littlest Apple around the aisles. We’re going to keep practicing our “library etiquette,” and I’m going to try to take The Littlest Apple once a week when we’re not on any sort of time constraints (easier said than done!).
Llama Llama Red Pajama, by Anna Dewdney
My favorite of this week’s library selections! This is our first time reading a Llama Llama book, and we both love this one! It’s about a baby llama who just went to bed and misses his momma. He gets upset when she doesn’t come back right away to get him some water and has a tantrum. She does come eventually, and reassures him that “Mama Llama’s always near, even if she’s not right here.” I love that line so much! I was worried that The Littlest Apple would take away from the book that it is okay to yell and scream for mommy, and while he does think that part is funny, he doesn’t yell any more than normal (which is still way too much).
Mr. Cookie Baker, by Monica Wellington
I knew The Littlest Apple would enjoy this once since he loved Baker Baker Cookie Maker so much. He loves baking cookies with me. This book has simple text, beautiful, colorful illustrations, and some cookie recipes at the end! I’m looking forward to checking out other books by this author.
Richard Scarry’s What Do People Do All Day
We’ve had this book since May, and The Littlest Apple is only just now letting me read it to him instead of Cars and Trucks and Things That Go. I was actually surprised that he sat through the whole book, but there are several different stories in the book that caught his attention. His favorite stories are about the firefighters and the builders.
Biscuit’s My First I Can Read Book Collection, by Alyssa Satin Capucilli
This was a gift from grandparents. The Biscuit books are for new readers with simple text that is also great for younger kids, and this collection contains four different Biscuit stories. The Littlest Apple loves this book, and asks for it every day. His favorite story is Biscuit Takes a Bath.
For more book ideas, check out What My Child Is Reading at Mouse Grows Mouse Learns.
We love love love the Llama Llama series!! Red pajama is read at least 3 times a day – I have it completely memorized.
Funny you said that about worrying if your little guy would mimic the tantrum part – I wondered the same thing! Be sure to pick up Llama Llama Mad At Mama the next time you’re at the library (so cute that LA loves the library so much btw!!). I wrote a review on both books on my blog if you’re interested. 
Thanks for linking to me. The story about library visit cracked me up. My daughter was like this before 2, but now she is pretty good in the library (until she gets very excited, that is :)) We read some of the books on your list, Anna’s favorite story in What People Do Every Day was about the farmer Alfaalfa. I’ll have to check out Mr Cookie Maker, it sounds yummy