Nov 8 09
by cara
at 9:02 PM
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Tot School This Week, November 8



The Littlest Apple is 26 months old.

Next week I’m thinking of trying a new method for presenting activities to The Littlest Apple…something similar to the Workbox System, but adapted to suit our needs.  There were many activities I planned this week that we didn’t do, simply because The Littlest Apple wasn’t interested.  He really just wanted to play, play, play this week, and that’s okay with me.  We played with lots of trucks:

Playing With Trucks

Here are a few of the activities we DID complete…

Made an orange cat using torn paper:

Orange Cat Collage

Collage of the week: vacuums and a blender, using the ads from last Sunday’s newspaper.  This kid is seriously obsessed with vacuums and blenders!  Vacuum Collage

We danced and sang to lots of Laurie Berkner:

Laurie Berkner Band

Rocketship Run

The Littlest Apple has also been groovin’ and singing to some of the music from Glee that I downloaded.  His current faves are “Bust a Move” and “Sweet Caroline.”  So funny to watch!

I gave The Littlest a few cards and letters to match up from our Magnet School, and he did it really easily.  I’m definitely going to be using this toy on a more regular basis now for its intended purpose (as opposed to letting him just dump it all over the place!).

Magnet School

The Littlest Apple really enjoyed this Car Color Wheel activity I saw on Little Hands, Big Work.  I kept it simple, using just 4 colors so he wouldn’t get overwhelmed.  For some reason, he refused to line up the green trucks (mostly garbage trucks), but was more than willing to line up the others.  After we lined up the cars and trucks, we counted how many were in each line.

Car Color Wheel

Our week also included a trip to the library and a big sensory tub mess with the new Harvest sensory tub.

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  1. Great activities!

  2. I love the color wheel and car match up!

  3. I like the color wheel!
    I am trying to figure out a good way for presenting tot school activities for my daughter so I am curious to see what you are going to do.

  4. Thanks for linking up again!

    The vacuums are really funny! I love the letter match up too–I need to add that to our supplies.

    We enjoy Laurie Berkner as well.

    OH, love the color wheel activity. You do some really fun learning activities with your little guy!

  5. It looks like he had a fun week! I just love watching him concentrate on his activities.

    Loved the color wheel!

  6. Great week! I think your Littlest Apple thought that “green means go” – that’s why he didn’t line up the green trucks. It’s such a good activity by the way.

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