Tot School This Week, November 1
The Littlest Apple is 26 months
With The Littlest Apple sick for most of the week and me getting sick in the second half of the week, we were around the house more than usual. No Little Gym, no Art Playgroup, no Mothers’ Day Out. Just lots and lots of time with Mommy! I need to do a better job of prepping activities ahead of time. I tend to gravitate heavily toward arts and crafts type things and reading books! Here are some of the highlights from our week….
Painting with Dot Paints:
The Littlest Apple painted this pumpkin and added leaf stickers:
He spent LOTS of time playing with the Pumpkin Spice Playdough:
Practicing his golf swing….He knows how to swing “properly”, but he was swinging at the ball like this and screaming like a banshee for about 30 minutes straight!
We did a couple of Itty Bitty Bookworm activities based on The Itsy Bitsy Spider by Iza Trapani.
The Littlest Apple LOVES this book, and we read it several times a day all week long. We also sang the song “The Itsy Bitsy Spider” with the corresponding hand movements (not sure of the technical term for those), and this is the first time he’s taken an interest in the hand movements for this song. He even tries to sing it by himself!
The Littlest Apple enjoyed drawing a spider web. He kept saying “line” “line” and “circle” “circle” as he drew circles and lines.
We attempted to involve The Littlest Apple in carving our pumpkin this year, but he really wanted nothing to do with it, aside from taking the “lid” off, and admiring it once it was complete. He certainly wanted no part of cleaning out the pumpkin “guts.”
We made egg-free pumpkin cookies. The Littlest Apple loved rolling out the dough, but did NOT want to share the rolling pin with Mommy….hence his expression below as I’m trying to help. A major tantrum resulted, and we didn’t get around to icing the cookies as planned.
Hoping to get back on track next week when all the germs have moved on from our house (for now)! Off to plan and prepare for the week!
I’m sorry you’ve both been sick. Hope you are both all well by now–if not, very soon! Despite this you got lots done and looks like you managed to have some fun too. I love the picture of the pumpkin fun and the dot paints–I need some of those:-). Great swing too!
Thanks for linking up again this week!
I love the indoor golf
We LOVE playdough at our house too. One rainy morning D spent literally four hours playing with it. D wouldn’t get anywhere near the pumpkin “guts” either. My littlest, however, practically dove inside the pumpkin to get at it.
I can completely relate to the prepping issue. If I don’t get the ideas and materials together, we don’t get as much done. Still you had a terrific week even with all the germs. Great ideas!
You always take such beautiful photos!
I keep forgetting to do the black and white art with James – I think he’d love it, thanks for the reminder.
Hope you’re all on the mend now!
I am sorry that you’ve been sick, but it still looks like a great week. I am impressed with how much you managed to do, and the golfing picture cracked me up.