Oct 31 09
by cara
at 8:26 PM
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Happy Halloween!

Halloween 3

Getting ready to bounce like Tigger….(blurry, but this pose makes me laugh!)

Halloween 2

Admiring his big (padded) belly….

Halloween 1

He only wore his costume long enough for these photos (all of 5 minutes).  I’m so happy we got a few cute ones!

Sharing these with Musings of a Housewife!

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  1. He is so cute in his little Tigger outfit! I love that pose.

  2. Oh, my little guy was Tigger the year he was 3. So cute!

  3. cute little Tigger! What a great pose.

  4. I love the belly pic! Your little guy is adorable.

  5. So cute I love the Tigger costume!

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  1. Halloween 2010 | The Picky Apple
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