Oct 23 09
by cara
at 4:26 PM
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Mom’s Wish List

I’m big on list making.  Especially “to do” lists.  The actual DOING of the “to dos” is another story entirely.  I’ve been reading the Top Five Friday at Superheros and Princesses for the last couple weeks, but haven’t participated yet.  This week I’m in.  Here are the top 5 things on my wish list right now:

1.  A weekend getaway to Austin with The Picky Apple (sans Littlest Apple) to see some of our favorite spots, eat at some of our favorite restaurants, walk on campus (University of Texas) together, sleep in at a fancy hotel, and reminisce about college days when we first started dating.

2.  A new featherbed for our mattress.  The one I ordered almost 2 years ago is too big (I thought it was the right size, but clearly not), making it nearly impossible to get sheets on properly.  I get frustrated every single time I change the sheets, and always say I’m just going to go take care of it, but I’ve yet to do so.  2 years I’ve been saying this….that’s a lot of needless frustration, folks.

3.  A new necklace chain to replace my 2(!) broken ones for my favorite pendants that I used to wear almost every day, until The Littlest Apple got a hold of them:

Picture 3Picture 4

4.  An ant free home.  Is that too much to ask for?!  I think not.  The exterminator came on Tuesday, and I’m seeing less of them, so I think the ants may have finally gotten the hint that they aren’t welcome here.

5.  More shelving.  For books, toys, and clothing.  Especially for our closets.

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From motherhood

  1. I love lists too! Thanks for linking! Your list is great. I definitely hope the ants pack their bags; that is not fun. Isn’t it crazy how we deal with things that frustrate us for the longest time instead of just solving the problem. I do that more often than I should. I guess it is human nature? or just the nature of a list-making procrastinator like myself. I hope you get your wishes.

    By the way, I noticed the Philippa Gregory book in your list of books you are reading. I haven’t read that one, but I love her books. I would love to know what you think of it!

  2. Love your list!
    (and those pendants are gorgeous!!)

  3. I love your list, too– lists make me feel so organized:-)!

  4. What a great list and of course I agree with you about the ant free home wish! 🙂 I love love love making lists.

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