Oct 4 09
by admin
at 9:07 AM
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Apple Picks

Here are some of the great things I read about this week….

I love this idea for single serving pie in a jar at Our Best Bites.  These would be so great for gifting at the holidays, teacher gifts, or just to keep on hand for when you have that pie craving but don’t want to bake a whole pie.  Love it!

Pie in a Jar

Image from Our Best Bites

Super amazing “Camoflage” art series by Liu Bolin featured at Wide Open Spaces.  I think my favorite is the last one!

A Fall Party at Southern Hospitality.  Lots of blogger participation (myself included) so check out all the beautiful and crafty fall decorations!


Image from Pottery Barn

Bakers’ Banter (the King Arthur Flour blog) combined two of my favorites: cinnamon rolls and pumpkin pie into Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls.  You better believe these will be showing up at my house sometime soon!  Can’t wait to try this recipe!

Simple Mom pointed out that it is now only 12 weeks (!!) until Christmas.  Here’s are some tips to get you thinking about your holiday budget now.

Speaking of Christmas, Organized Christmas is another site I’ve used in the past to help me get organized for the holidays.  Lots of great info, including how to simplify the holidays and Christmas Countdown Planner printouts for your holiday planning binder (What?  You don’t have one?).  The planner in me loves this kind of stuff!  The big countdown starts the last week of October, so time to get crackin’!

Christmas Tree

Image from Organized Christmas

I love these Custom Name Signs by Fudge Designs, spotted on Ohdeedoh.  Perfect for a child’s room!  If I didn’t already have a name sign for The Littlest Apple, I’d order this in a heartbeat.

The Wonder Years blogged about a great leaves and rocks sink and float activity for toddlers and preschoolers.  I’m looking forward to trying this with The Littlest Apple next week….he loves rocks and putting things in water, so I’m guessing he’ll love this!

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  1. I love that pottery barn stand also, just posted my pic of it the other day!!

    LOVE the apple pies in jar, so freaking adorable.

    Just now writing a post on holiday planning. Crazy its only 12 weeks away.

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