May 27 09
by cara
at 8:49 PM
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Banana Pudding Ice Cream

Like lots of other brides, I registered for and received an ice cream maker as a gift for our wedding.  That ice cream maker has only been used a few times over the last four and a half years.  My first few attempts were unsuccessful.  The Picky Apple is, well, picky about the exact flavors and more importantly the texture of his ice cream, and none of our homemade attempts were living up to his standards.  And so the ice cream maker sat and sat and sat…..until recently.

I was inspired to try again recently when The Littlest Apple developed an addiction to ice cream in the last month or so.  Most mommies might cringe at this, but we have wholeheartedly embraced this love of ice cream.  He has ice cream daily, and has come to expect it.  You see, The Littlest Apple is still very small for his age (like, off the charts low weight) due to several factors I won’t delve into here….but his extreme pickiness isn’t helping. Per doctor and dietician orders, we are to feed him all the heavy cream, oil, butter, sugar in the land.  Ice cream?  Bring it on!  Have seconds, even! When I look for ice cream at the store, I look for the highest fat and calorie content I can find.  This is usually the Ben & Jerry’s or the Haagan Daaz (you know, the GOOD ones).  But I’m never able to buy those because The Littlest Apple has an egg allergy (yet another contributing factor…the food allergies), and all the Ben and Jerry’s and Haagan Daaz flavors have egg.  So, I came up with a few recipes for homemade ice cream with no egg and busted out my ice cream maker.

This, my first attempt satisfied The Picky Apple’s desire for a banana ice cream sans nuts and other chunks, and gave me another option for The Littlest Apple.  It was easy to mix and tasted super banana-y.  We’ll definitely be making this one again!

Banana Pudding Ice Cream

adapted from Joy The Baker


  • 4 ounces Cool Whip (1/2 of an 8ounce container)
  • 7 ounces sweetened condensed milk (1/2 of a 14 ounce can)
  • 1/2 gallon milk
  • 1 (3 1/2 ounce) package Jello Banana Cream Instant Pudding
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
  • 2 bananas (mashed)

In a bowl mix cool whip, condensed milk, banana pudding and about 1/2 of the half gallon of milk.  Add chopped bananas.

Pour mixture into an ice cream maker.  With machine on, pour in the rest of the half gallon of milk.  (It took less than half a gallon to fill my ice cream maker.)

Stir the mixture and begin freezing according the manufacturers instructions.

Remove very soft ice cream and place in a freezer friendly plastic container.    Serve with slice bananas and vanilla wafers.  (Or leave out the vanilla wafers if you’ve got an egg allergy!)

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  1. Debra permalink

    We got to taste it this past weekend and yes, it was very good!

  2. I wish someone would make me eat ice cream!! I love making ice cream – it’s just finding room in the freezer for the bowl that is my problem!

  3. Wow, decadent sounding ice cream. I wish I could eat all the ice cream I want but alas, my hips tell me no.

  4. Mrs. H. permalink

    This ice cream is great! I have also tried it with the cheese cake pudding and added fresh blueberries. The possibilities of this recipe with the combinations of different puddings and other additions are endless.

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